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managerial efficiency中文是什么意思

用"managerial efficiency"造句"managerial efficiency"怎么读"managerial efficiency" in a sentence


  • 管理效率


  • The major cause of the dislocation in managerial thought is the managerial efficiency of our country ' s many enterprises is lower , and the competitive force of adapting to markets is in degression currently
  • The most often used measurements are the partial productivity , total factor productivity , technical efficiency , technological change , scale economics , allocative efficiency , economic efficiency and managerial efficiency
  • Corporate governance is such a serials of contract arrangements linking the stake - holders . the essential object is to resolve the agency problems , to ensure the enterprise decision and managerial efficiency , and to form competitive advantages for enterprise
  • Chinese banks are facing competition from their foreign rivals as china implements the deregulation of foreign entry under wto . managerial efficiency for chinese banks , has been the key factor to win in the competition . in order to improve our domestic banking efficiency , the level of banking efficiency and the degree of risks should be estimated and evaluated in a comprehensive way
    本文以商业银行作为研究对象,针对我国商业银行的经济效率、规模效率和x -低效率等效率指标,采用了效率前沿面分析法中的参数和非参数等方法,对我国商业银行效率进行了比较全面的测度和分析。
  • Modern economists have found similar successful factors after the investigation of countries with the rapid economic development from 20th century . four factors that influence the output include human capital , material capital , managerial efficiency , technological levek social and economic system
    现代经济学家经过对20世纪以来经济快速发展的国家的共性研究发现:决定一个时期产出水平的影响因素有四个方面:人力资本、物质资源、管理效率和技术水平及社会经济体制(余永定, 1999 ) 。
  • However , in current time , these factors such as managerial efficiency , technological levek social and economic system are regarded as factors that belonged to productivity because that can not be weight by statistics index . moreover relationship between these factors is close , especially to human capital . because men decide the level of managerial efficiency and technological level , human capital is the main impetus of modern economic growth
  • The practice of the productive system upgrades the managerial efficiency of every unit , standardizes the management of our company , fastens the productive circle of products and carries out the contract perfectly . the productive management of our company is becoming better and better and the competitive power of our company has strengthened . the practice of the productive system does good to economic profit of our company
  • Comparing with the stockjobbers outside , although we can also enjoy the same treatment with others , we are still too weak even from the capital size capital strength managerial mechanism managerial efficiency to the stuff of talented person along with entering the wto , our stock market will completely be opened , abroad stockjobbers will threaten our stockjobbers seriously when they are familiar with the operations of our lacal ones , however , we can also obtain more and more opportunities at the same time : the market of our local stockjobbers will become wider from local to international capital market , it can advanced the speed of our local securities industry to improve the system conditions , to renovate manage system , to ameliorate the technic measures , to enrich the xervice breeds ; besides , it can also drive us to adjust the economica l structure , optimize the station of resource , transform the manage mechanism , all of these will provide a wider space for the local stockjobbers after entering the wto , the main develop trends of local stockjobbers are express at : invest - banking operations will become more important , the broking competition will be more fury , the property management will become the rising point of new profits of us
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